Travel Within Brazil

travel within Brazil by taxi

Taxis in Brazil northeast cities are plentiful and cheap. They will operate between the cities and smaller towns on a regular basis, making Brazilian taxis an excellent and safe way to travel Brazil northeast.

On your Brazil travel northeast, you will find that many airports and bus stations operate taxis or a taxi bus that belong to a co-operative body. These operate on the premise that you get a coupon, on which is printed taxi fares to a number of different destinations. You will need to pay in advance for this service, - either at the airport or bus station.

Although using one of these Brasil taxi schemes might be slightly more pricey,- you are effectively paying for reliability and perhaps a bit more comfort.

Taxi travel elsewhere in Brasil North East is safe, providing you observe caution before getting into any car that claims to be one. You should always use official license taxis for any of your travels within Brazil, and ignore anything else. Official taxis or a taxi bus in Brazil can be recognised by signs they carry, such as 'radio' or 'coop'.

A good tip if you are uncertain is to ask for travel advice info on taxi travel at the hotel or beach resort at which you are staying. If your Brazil travel northeast take you to some of the smaller towns or rural locations, one significant difference to look out for is the lack of metered taxis.

You should aim to agree a price in advance of getting to your destination. Again, if in doubt, ask for advice. Although tipping a Brazilian taxi is not obligatory, it won't go unappreciate.

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