Brazil Weather

Brazil weather

Owing to its size, weather in Brazil northeast will vary between states, according to geographical location, although with not much variation between the warmer and cooler months.

As already established, the hottest climate region in Brazil is the northeast, where temperatures in excess of 38°C - 100 F are often recorded during the dry season, usually between May/June to November.

The majority of Brazilian people reside on the coast, where Brasil weather conditions, though humid is a lot cooler from the tropical sea breezes, in comparison with the hot and dry interior - sertao. This in itself make a Brazil visit to the north east all the more appealing.

Brasil weather Seasons are quite different to those experienced in Europe and the US. Most of Brazil, with the exception of the south, have two distinct seasons. These are the rainy season, which will vary from state to state in the northeast.

This can be anywhere from about mid-December to July, though even then you will still encounter the most glorious of days. In Natal for instance, the temperature is 83°F throughout the year and you can expect approximately 300 days of sunshine cooled by a tropical sea breeze. The dry season, which is between June and November give or take a month or so difference in some northeast states.

As for the best time to make a visit to Brazil's north east cities such as Fortaleza, Natal, Bahia in Salvador, Recife or Porto Galinhas or many of the other tourist resorts, temperature-wise, any time of the year is good, since temperatures rarely drop more than 1-3ºC below those of the dry season.

If you are planning a visit to Brazil north east, the region does not have a Winter season as we would know it in European or US terms. Brazil weather in the north east does not get cold nor chilly, unlike in the South and Southeast, of Central Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul, which experiences the occasional cold spell, yet remains relatively mild.

If you are planning your Brazil travel northeast during Spring, then the worst you can expect from the Winter or rainy Brazil weather, is short-lived heavy downpours or showers, which are usually followed by beaming sunshine. Even in the rainy season, the weather in Brazil northeast will be excellent most of the time and rainfall won't be significant enough to ruin your Brazil vacations.

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